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Gozo (Maltese: Għawdex) is an beautiful island of the Maltese archipelago in the Mediterranean Sea (between Sicily and Africa). The island has a population of around 37,000 very friendly and welcoming inhabitants known as Gozitans (Maltese: Għawdxin). Gozo covers 67 km2 and is 14 km long and 7 km wide.

Gozo has been inhabited since 5000 BC, when farmers from nearby Sicily crossed the sea to the island. During the neolithic period, which date back to c. 3600 BC, the Ġgantija temples were built and they are the world's oldest free-standing structures. Ancient Greek historians maintain that Gozo is in fact the island Homer described in Odyssey as home of the nymph Calypso. In July 1551 Ottomans under Turgut Reis and Sinan Pasha invaded Gozo and enslaved most of its inhabitants, about 5,000. The island of Gozo was repopulated under Knights of Malta between 1565 and 1580 by people from mainland Malta. The history of Gozo is strongly coupled with the history of Malta with exception of short period of autonomy following the uprising against the French forces 1798-1801. Local government was restored with the introduction of Local councils in 1993. The Constitution of Malta declares Catholicism as the state religion, 98% of the population is Catholic. It is not surprising that Gozo has high concentration of churches (46).

Gozo is also known for its "Festas" (carnival). Festas are also a very important tradition on the island with celebrations including fireworks and bands every weekend in the summer season. A number of Maltese dishes or variants of these dishes are associated with Gozo. Gozo is particularly known for its local cheeselet. The most popular sport on Gozo is Football and is managed by the Gozo Football Association.


We are small private firm. Our services include computer software design. These include a set of accounting programs KALKUL® on which you can learn more on the website We are also engaged in landscape photography and creating websites. Examples are these pages that arises after a short stay on the island of Gozo. On this site are original photos and videos. All texts are taken from various sources (see Bibliography).

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