Petr Pelikán - PeliCo®


A Christian community at the heart of Rabat, where today stands St George’s Parish Church, already existed at least five hundred years after Christ.  For many years, the church of San Ġorġ tal-Ħaġar, that is, St George “of the town”, was the only parish serving the island of Gozo.  Its titular was also from olden times venerated at the island’s Patron Saint.

Though little is known about the ancient roots of the parish, due to lack of proper documentation, in 1456 its parish priest was Don Filippo Guevara.

From archeological evidence we know that the first time a church in honour of St George was built here, it probably replaced a pagan temple.  After this, it was rebuilt several times.  The present structure dates back to 1678, when it was the first church in a shape of a Latin cross to be built on the island.  The side aisles were added to it in the 1930s.

2015/06, Coordinates: 36°02'38"N 14°14'21"E